“We are very excited to provide mobile veterinary services in the coastal area to new and existing clients. Mobile services not only relieve stress in pets who do not like to be transported, but these services are also very convenient for pet owners who are unable to easily travel. Mobile services are especially great for clients who would prefer a private visit with their pet’s doctor in the comfort of their own home.”

“There are people in need who can’t come to the clinic, so I go to them. Mobile veterinary services provide a stress-free environment for pets as well as clients. I feel the bond. I feel the love, unconditional love, and I know that pet parents feel the same way. Right now, I’m living my dream.”

“Going mobile has been a big change for me. I used to work 12 hours a day in a large veterinary hospital and rarely had time to even go outside, which was hard for me. Now, I have freedom to set my own schedule, which helps me to have a more balanced life. I focus mostly on wellness care with my mobile practice but have an agreement with a local clinic to perform surgeries there one day a week, which works out really well for everyone.”

“The two hours commuting on top of a 10 to 12-hour workday was creating a taxing situation for my family and me. I wanted to continue practicing veterinary medicine at a level that I had grown to love while still having time to care for my husband and kids. Starting my own mobile veterinary practice has given me the flexibility to do both and not have to sacrifice one at the expense of the other. It has been a life-giving experience.”